“We all live here,we all eat here, we all work here.”

Hey there! I’m Raelene.
Milk Cow Mentor. Regenerative Farmer . Teacher of Old-School Skills.
I’m a single mom to five nearly-ferile children; my milk cows are my best friends; I grew up in Canada and love winter; I have a Master’s Degree in English Literature; butter is my love language; I believe that everything is figure-out-able; and I love books, people, laundry fresh off the line, and raw peas straight from the garden.
Follow all my adventures (and mis-adventures) as an optimistic farmer over on Instagram @belvedere.farms It’s a riot.
My family and I first moved to the farm in October of 2015. I grew up on a cattle ranch in northern British Columbia, Canada and adored the half-wild, barefoot, bareback-riding childhood adventures that upbringing afforded and wanted something of the same for my own children.
When the time was right, we started looking for a little land to put down roots. We looked all over the west and even considered moving to Canada, but it was this farm here in Ohio that captured my heart.

We’ve had some tough challenges and subsequent changes in our family in the last several years, and the farm with its beauty and bounty and promise kept me afloat. Twice-a-day milking and the many mouths to feed gave me purpose and direction and got me up and at ’em when days were darkest.
Our community of farm supporters and herd share members literally kept the lights on, making it possible for me to work at home on the farm, be close to my littles, and provide for my family.
Belvedere Farmstead is a growing, communal endeavor – thriving, bustling, and self-sustaining – and there’s something about its peace and promise that invites your soul to exhale and stay awhile.
I believe strongly in the principle of stewardship and feel deeply that my purpose as a farmer is to ensure that every one of our animals lives their very best life. I am in turn deeply thankful for how they each then contribute to the health and sustenance of my family and so many others.
It is an honor to be your farmer and I find deep purpose and meaning in helping you to feed your family the very best my land, my cows, and my heart have to offer.
Thanks for being here, friend, and for your continued support and encouragement for all I’m trying to do. All my love – R.